Get cooler air inside your home, increase air conditioner performance and lower energy usage. AEP Texas provides incentives to participating contractors in order to reduce the cost to residential customers for the following A/C system measures:*
- A/C tune-up and replacement
- A/C system duct testing and sealing
- ENERGY STAR® Connected Thermostats
- High-efficiency air conditioning systems & heat pumps (complete system change-out required)
*Available measures may vary depending on the program.

Save money on utility bills, protect your home from outside elements, and extend the life of your house. A home envelope is everything that separates the external environment from the internal building, like the roof, doors, windows, floors, and walls. The primary objective of the programs below is to help residential customers reduce energy consumption through the installation of insulation and/or air infiltration (door weather-stripping, door thresholds, sealing plumbing penetrations, sealing attic accesses, etc.).

These programs offer incentives to lower your energy bills while reducing lighting and water heating energy consumption. Interior energy usage measures may include:*
- Advanced Power Strips
- ENERGY STAR® Air Purifiers
- ENERGY STAR® LED light bulbs
- ENERGY STAR® Omni-Directional LED
- Water heater insulation blankets, water heater pipe insulation, low-flow showerheads, faucet aerators
*Available measures may vary depending on the program.

Whether you are looking to buy/build a high-performance home or install solar on your home, AEP Texas has a program for you. Homes built through the High-Performance Homes Program use less energy than a home built to the minimum energy code—providing a better lifestyle for less money. The SMART Source℠ Solar PV Program offers incentives to offset the initial cost of installing a solar energy system for your home.